Fosca is a communication forum for all senior high school students around JABODETABEK are who loved science. Fosca was just founded 5 months ago. Despite of being a newly founded organization, we’ve held 3 major events as apart of our Astronomical Research Program of 2008. They are LDP ( Latihan Dasar Penelitian ; Basic Research Training ), PDA ( Penelitian Dasar Astronomi ; Basic Astronomy Training ) and the lastest one, Partial Moon Eclipse Observation. As for technical and material problems, we’ve got HAAJ’s ( Himpunan Astronomi Amatir Jakarta ; Jakarta Amateur Astronomical Association ) helping hand to hold those events. Not to mention, there still one major event left in our program. It’s the Annular Solar Eclipse Observation. The Ecplise will happen at January, 26th 2009.
Penelitian Dasar Astronomi
Penelitian Dasar Astronomi lit. Basic Astronomy Training was similar to LDP. Despite of its similary, this training was more advanced in both of theory and observation. Bring held in Jakarta Planetarium yet again. The enthusiasm of the participants didn’t decrease. That enthusiasm showed off when the race to assemble the telescope personally starts. Everyone do their best to win the race. Finally, Dessy from 38 SHS won. It’s not yet over. They were given an opportunity to take a photo of the sun with filter, of course. After that all of the participants were taken into the planetarium dome to Study the evolution of the stars.
Latihan Dasar Penelitian
Latihan Dasar Penelitian lit. Basic Research Training was held at June, 21st 2008 on Jakarta Planetarium. As the Preparation for our research program, this event focused to the basic theoritical and practical aspects on astronomy. 87 students from 32 SHS took apart in this event. There was Telescope and astrophotography workshop. As for the theories, we studied about the geometry of solar nd lunar eclipse. Also, our advisor, Nurdiansah, shared his experience on many youth science clubs in java to all participants.
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